17 de November de 2022
17 de November de 2022


It is no secret that the Vega of Granada vegetables are the most suitable for all kinds of stews, the healthiest and the favorites of the ones who take care of their diet.

The green goods have an important reference in the snowflake potato, a native variety of the area. It receives its name from its insides, since once we open it, that intense white color surprises. It is a perfect potato used both in ‘spooning’ dishes and to be served as a garnish.

The flat beans of Granada, with a low caloric intake and rich in fiber, also make them a healthy option for our recipes, either to prepare a good stir-fry with them or in a rich pottage that gives us strength and energy. Without forgetting the broad beans, whose crops populate the Vega de Granada, and which accompanied with ham are one of those classics that never go out of style.

Agenda: During the first Sunday of February, Granada celebrates the popular festival of San Cecilio, patron saint of the city, which ends with its traditional pilgrimage. And on the occasion of this celebration, tastings of beans, as well as cod and salaíllas are distributed among the attendees.

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