22 de November de 2022
22 de November de 2022

Ismael Delgado. Rte. Portal Bajo I



For the stew

Step 1. We clean the cheeks, stripping them of the main nerve so that the meat does not harden when we cook it and season it well.

Step 2. In a pot, heat the olive oil and fry the garlic, the chorizo pepper, and the cheeks so that they are well sealed.

Step 3. When they are well marked, add the tomato, and wait for it to cool. Add the red wine, thyme and bay leaf and let it reduce to a third.

Step 4. Finally, we incorporate the water and let it reduce to a third part.

Step 5. We remove the cheeks and strain the resulting broth and thus obtain the sauce for our cheeks. When they are cold, cut small dice of cheeks.

For the pumpkin

Step 1. We open the pumpkin in half, remove the hard shell and the seeds. We cut it into fine segments. Once chopped, wash and drain.

Step 2. Clean the onion, wash, and drain as well. Heat a frying pan with the oil, when hot add the onion, stir, and fry for 5 minutes over medium heat. Once the 5 minutes have passed, add the pumpkin, mix with the onion, cover, and let everything fry for 25 minutes, over medium heat, stirring from time to time. After this time, we uncover the pan, add the salt, pepper, vinegar, paprika and oregano, stir very well. Let everything fry for 15 minutes, over medium heat. Once that time has passed, we remove from the heat, and we served in a plate.



• We will put the pumpkin at the bottom of the plate and on it the cheek with the sauce from cooking.